Nicholas Ermeta
Cambridge City Councillor Ward 8
'Here to Serve You!'
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to review my site which is the first website I have ever created.
It has been such a great honour and privilege to serve as your representative on Cambridge City Council over the past four years. A special thanks to the residents of Ward 8 for giving me my 'dream job' which I thoroughly enjoy. I have resided in North Galt since 1992. I grew up on Saginaw Parkway and went to St Benedict's High School. I have been attending council meetings since I was 16. I got involved in municipal politics because I love people and I'm very passionate about the future of this wonderful dynamic city.
I want to continue to look out for your best interests and to invest in your life. I genuinely care a lot for our families and seniors on fixed incomes. I recognize and support the needs of our community. I put my heart into everything I do and will continue to be a strong effective voice for you. I have been reaching out to the younger generation who are our future leaders and have been inspiring them to get more involved in the political process. When I visit other cities, I promote Cambridge to people I meet and build relationships with the elected officials of that municipality.
I bring a fresh and creative approach with 'out of the box' thinking. I can manage and resolve conflict and know how to work well with others. I have been tried and tested - and know how to handle difficult situations that come up. During my term I have made civic engagement a priority and have hosted monthly neighbourhood 'Town Hall' meetings. I really take the time to listen and I am often very impressed with what people come up with.
I'm here to serve you and have so much more to contribute!
Please don't hesitate to contact me anytime to inquire for further information or to provide me with any feedback!!!
Important Dates
Election Day
Monday October 27, 2014
Poll Locations
You can vote at any polling station in the city